Update your account details including user name, email address, phone number, or password anytime by following these steps:

From Desktop:

  1. Select My Settings from the menu bar in the upper right corner of online banking.
  2. Select Edit on the field you'd like to change.
  3. After you’ve made the update, select Save.
  4. You will receive an email from Third Federal to verify the changes.

From The Mobile App:

  1. Select the More tab from the menu bar at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select the Gear Icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Select My Settings at the top of the list.
  4. Select Edit on the field you'd like to change.
  5. After you’ve made the update, select Save.
  6. You will receive an email from Third Federal to verify the changes.

If you want to update your address select: How do I change my mailing address?

If you want to update your name due to marriage or divorce select the appropriate link for more information: